Friday, September 2, 2011

~* Aria of Creation *~

I dreamt of singing opera.
The notes flowed out even more beautiful than an angel's voice.
These scattered everywhere making the world more beautiful.
Glimmers and glitters of peace and joy entered the world from ... Me!
The audience kept still so as not to ruin even a single note.
Even I was in awe of the notes as they seemed to come
From some unknown place, from ... could it be ... my soul?
Yes, souls were connecting in a glorious web of spirited unity.
Somewhere from the ethers of space and time,
I was the begining and the ending of everything
And it all flowed through me.
The glories of the score and lyrics created the universe.
From the corner of my eye, as I sung the begining and the end of everything,
I saw the audience fading from view
For all souls become one in a Godhead.
The notes of my song formed a being ... bathed in a rainbow of colors,
And surrounded by a spectrum of sounds.
The audience came back into view
And I knew they were seeing it too as eyes grew wide and moist.
We experienced the ecstacy of an opera turned into a cosmos housing us all.
In a flash of insight,, I knew ... I was creating a world,
A new world
And here in the newness, we grew to be more than before,
Greater souls, seeking the ultimate.
We were as one of my favorite stories of olden time:
Strangers in a Strange Land.

By Sazzy and Dand Rau