Saturday, April 11, 2009

~~* The Fog *~~

I live in a fog between two worlds.
I struggle to feel the one
And leave the other behind.

One is soft pillows
And warm blankets,
The bliss of a dream.

A dream where anything is possible,
Where I can be anyone,
Do anything,
Go anywhere.

The other is filled with pain
That I can not control,
Responsibilities that bend me
Under the weight of their burden.

The comforting fog surrounds me.
Can I break free of it
To live in the light of reality,
Shoulder the burden,
And live in the now?

The dream dessert is so tempting
Sometimes I eat it first
But in the end the dinner, even if not as tasty,
Will be what fufills me.

In the fog,
In that place between the worlds,
I have learned that
I, yes, I, get to choose
Which way I go.

And there is a time and place
For each of them.
And really, truly
I am in charge in both.

I Can do it.
I Will do it.

1 comment:

DanD said...

We live in the midst of many worlds I think. Most all of the times, we choose the one in which we wish to live at that moment. Once in while we are pulled into a world not of our choosing. Then we learn to adapt; we grow. I think the fog is an obscuration of our future. If we knew which of all possible worlds give us the best future, then the fog would dissipate.
Many scientists believe that we have an infinite number of possiblities from which to choose and that each choice creates multiple worlds in which multiple aspects of ourselves live. Which aspect am I now? Do I live in a world good for me or one that is inimical towrd me?
It is all so complicated and unclear. All I can do is live in the world in which I happen to be at the moment and make it a good world for me. The fog will not rule me only be around me.