Friday, July 17, 2009

~* The Bottomless Pit *~

How many is enough?
Do we have some bottomless pit
that can never be filled?

Some men look at women as
The fiercest beast on the planet
And, truth be told,
Sometimes this is true.

Some men are not looking for love.
They look for another notch on their belt.
The power of having someone want them,
The more the merrier,
Never ever enough.

Women long for love,
Someone to fill that
Bottomless pit
That is so hungry for love
That it aches.

Man's bottomless pit
Is only filled
With women.

Woman's bottomless pit
Can only be filled
With love.

Can this be true of everyone?
Will a man finally find that
One special one that actually closes
The hole in that deep dark
Bottomless pit?

That, my friend,
Would really be ...
A Miracle.


DanD said...

Well, I guess we all cn pray for a miracle then. Some very lucky few get their miracle. SOme could get their miracle if only they would change a bit, accept themselves more, grow a bit. SOme choose a path of aching loneliness. Which way will I choose? Which way will youchoose?

Anonymous said...

I can only image what prompted the thoughts in the poem. It's interesting to try and understand what drives each of us. What would cause a man to fill the pit with so many? Is it the desire to please and make others happy, which eventually turns bad or is it really bad intent in the beginning? I tend to believe it is good intent gone bad…but what caused the misdirection…So very sad. D....