Sunday, March 28, 2010

*~* Time *~*

The days slip through my fingers like melting snow.
The freezing cold numbs me
As they splatter into the void of time
Dropping into the yawning mouth of the black hole of eternity.
I still see them sometimes,
The memories,
Like sparking lights in the midnight sky
But most twinkle out and are gone
Where have they gone?
Where is the me that was?
Is the new me soon to be lost too?
I close my hands into tight fists
Hoping to slow the time
And keep the memories before all is lost.

1 comment:

DanD said...

You have hit on a deep thought for me. We are not our memories. Those only helped to shape us as we are now. What we are now is what we are now - not what we were nor what we will be - only what we are now - this moment.

Sometimes when I examine my memories, I think that I have forgotten what was actually true but remember only what I want to remember. I am not those faulty memories but I AM.

Time passes, yet my time does not. The only time that there is is the NOW time. Who knows about the past maybe it was what I think it was and maybe not - it doesn't make a difference. And who knows the future - not me - not yet.

At this moment, I AM. I exist - a small dimensionless point that is and cannot be assailed by anything. I am no matter waht any person or force wants me not to be. I am who am. I think that was what the Israelites called God - Yahweh - I am who am.