Friday, July 18, 2008


Do we really want to know it all?
Do we want to know the details?
Does a new love want to hear about the old?
Does the old love want to hear about the new?

How many secrets do we keep?
Do we tell the whole truth?
What is the truth?
Is any honesty really truth?

When we are hurt
And no one cares to hear
When there are no arms
To hold us
And help us through the pain

Is what we don't say, a secret?
Can you be close and not tell?
How much do we want to know?
What truth is really honesty

How can you be close
When you keep things back?
How can you care for someone
And not want to know how they feel?

Do we "control" someone
When they know it hurts to see them
With another?
Is that control?

Is love so open and free
That no one really matters?
Its just "tough luck"
If you get your feelings hurt?

There are no answers
Only more questions
Thoughts to be held inside
Until the ache is too much

How can you not want to know?
What is kept inside
So as not to bother you?
How can it be a bother
To hear someone?

There are only questions
No answers
Only pain
That must be hid

How very very sad

1 comment:

DanD said...

IF you know it all about another, do you not own them? When you wish them not to hurt you ever, do you not control them? When you feel pain, who made the pain in you? Some answers we know and these are our life guides. They are why we live the way we do.