Wednesday, October 29, 2008

*~ Fear ~*

Fear can so defeat us.
It can rule all life.
Do we run and hide from it,
Stick our heads in the sand?

Can we ignore the things we fear
Hoping they might somehow go away,
Trying not to notice
That awful sick feeling deep inside?

Can we live in ignorant bliss
In a so not real dream world?

Some things even faced
Can not be changed.
So why should we face them?

Maybe we can just live in the dream
And never wake up
Or will one day
Our world comes crashing down around us?
I wish I knew.


1 comment:

DanD said...

I am with Franklin D. Roosevelt on this one: "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." Knowing that does not help sometimes when we are aware of a change that we anticipate to be unpleasant for us. Yet, our mind needs to remember that the fear can hurt us maybe more than the unwelcome change. Confidence in ourselves to handle whatever comes dispels unwarranted fears.