Friday, December 5, 2008

~* Dreams *~

My dreams shimmer in the fog of the night,
Slipping in and out
Like the mist in the trees outside my window.

Some are dark and shapeless as my worst fears.
Slithering through the darkest recesses of me,
Lurking like a serpent with me as its prey.

Some are beautiful like the brightest butterflies of hope.
They swirl into a glorious mating of ideas
And disappear as quickly as they came.

They slide away down the slippery slope of memories
That I ride on a sled of imagination
Until I crash into other drifts of thought.

Wispy tendrils of thoughts
Swirl in the fog of my mind
Like soft shimmery ribbons of silk blowing in the breeze.

Thoughts burst in and fade out of my mind
Like bright sparkles of light on the fourth of July.
Leaving a residue of color
Merging and melding with sparkling wishes.

I drift on clouds of hope.
Memories fall like the lightest of rain
Splashing onto my outstretched hand.

I try so very hard to catch and hold them
But they slip through my fingers
To mingle with the ones that came before.

I feel the soft warm touch of the sun
Peeking in my window
Leading me from the land of dreams.

I embrace the ones I remember
And sigh softly for the ones that
Have slipped into the fog of my memories.

1 comment:

DanD said...

Dreams are indeed elusive. Yet captured ones can be of such value if contemplated in waking life. It is a shame that so very many slip away in the "fog of night".

Kudus to the author of such poetic enlightment.