Monday, December 1, 2008

*~* Making Lemonade *~*

Once upon a time in a land of misty forests lived a Princess. She lived in a tiny cottage perched precariously on the edge of a steep mountain. She woke up each morning with the yellow rays of the sun streaming in her window filling her world with bright joy. Even on the days when the mist covered the valley and the tippy top of the trees that usually danced in the breeze were hiding in the clouds that crept right up to her door, she was happy. On those days she felt like an angel living in the clouds and she floated in the bliss of the day.

This day as her eyes slowly opened and she yawned and stretched and slid from her bed, she remembered that it was a special day. Her best friends had made the long and perilous journey from the ocean's edge, through monstrous green scaly creatures, over dangerous roads, all to help her in a quest: the search for the perfect Christmas tree.

They started out early driving on the very edge of the mountain, up, up, up, searching. She had to close her eyes tightly and tried very hard not to scream as they came so very close to going over the edge on the twisty turny road. The others laughed at her when a tiny moan sometimes escaped from somewhere deep in her soul. She knew she must be brave. A quest was never easy if it was worth doing.

Finally they arrived at the long awaited destination and when they got out into the brightness of the beautiful Autumn day everyone gasped! No one even saw the beautiful trees. No one looked at the bluest of blue skies or the puffy white clouds floating by. No one noticed the smell of pine in the air, that perfect smell that reminds you of Christmas. All anyone saw was ... her hair! The sunshine illuminated what the wicked witch of colors had done. Her beautiful blonde hair was enchanted into flaming mass of a color that could only, even kindly, be described as day-glow orange. It shimmered and sparkled. It seemed to have a strange radioactive glow to it.

Some days life gives you a gift of a lemon, just to see what you will do with it. Will you pucker up with a sour look on your face or might you find something magical out of this gift? That day was a day to remember. The bright light from her hair filled everyone near with a tiny taste of sweet, sweet lemonade. Smiles and laughter filled the air. So if one day life gives you that lemon gift and things are not going just the way you want, do not despair. Life is filled with wondrous things. All you have to do is see them and help others see them too.

On that most amazing day filled with joy and with everyone's help the most perfect tree ever was found!

1 comment:

DanD said...

Enjoyed th epicture with the woman with orange hair. :-)
And your poem made an important point: Each of us can make our lives as we wish and by example affect the lives of others.