Monday, March 2, 2009

~* Bubbles *~

Some nights, all curled up in my warm blankets,
Sensing the cold chill of the wind
Blowing outside my window,
I let thoughts float through my mind
Like that red and white plastic bobber
That bounced up and down
In the ripply waters of the lake
Outside my window when I was young.

The memories float like sparkling bubbles
On the currents of water.
Sometimes they crash against the rocks
On the shore of an angry ocean,
The stormy surf pounding them
Until they pop and float away.

Sometimes they drift peacefully,
Lightly floating,
On the slow gentle currents of a stream,
Bubbles of my life,
The memories kept for me in these beautiful bubbles.
I watch in awe as they float past my consciousness
Shimmering moments of my life.

1 comment:

DanD said...

Yes, thoughts are like bubbles, coming and going. They touch our attention and then if not a high priority leave. Which bubble will I grab for this moment? Which will I let someone pop?

The picture you chose to go with this poem is excellent giving a visual image complemetning it.