Thursday, August 14, 2008

*~* Cosmic Questing *~*

By SanDazz
Leaves flow in the breezes
As I pass they shed tears
For my broken heart.

Stars shedding brilliance
Illuminate my cluttered mind.
The skies drip
Loving tears
Into my soul.

The blue haze
Drifts from the mountains
Obscuring my gaze
Of the loveliness
Of this day.

And the birds
Twittering and chirping
Their melodic songs of love
Distract my wondering meditations.

Today the universe sings
Of my freedom
And the earth
Beats pulsation's
Of response
Anchoring me to life.

My mind drifts from memory to plans.
It lies uneasily in this moment of now
My purpose is conflicted
With heartfelt sorrows
And exuberant joys.

From vernal greening
To autumnal coloring,
I quest for that moment
Of invisible silence
Where heavens will is mine.

The universe unfolds my being
And I rest in this my creation.

~*~ The end ~*~

* This was a collaboration with most of it being written by another poet.

1 comment:

Dand Rau said...

Somedays the universe of words align themsleves into meanigful messages, but only some days. :-)