Monday, August 4, 2008

Just BE

Does it not take courage
For a woman to BE a woman?
Does it not take strength
For a man to BE a man?

The wonder of a woman
The soft sweetness
The delicious joy
The tender love
The desire to please

The strength of a man
The control in his hands
Taking what is his to take
Not by coercion. He is more then that.
But by the power of his persuasion

They have tried to make us the same
We may be equal
But I'm glad I am Woman
Even more glad you are Man

1 comment:

DanD said...

Shades of John Norman. Yes, his message but cast in brilliant light and rectified. Even the USA army has it right at one time: "Be all you can be". It is such a clear message but so hard to follow in our society today.