Sunday, August 17, 2008

~* Why did I do it? *~

Why did I do it?
Did I do it to hurt?
Am I so vain
I would cause another pain?

He is forbidden to me
Though I look at him through eyes of love.
He may care for me
But he is a man of the world
And can not be seen with me.

So one night I did what I should not have.
I showed the world that he did care.
I showed them all that I belonged.
I did not care what others thought.

I laughed and danced
My head held high.
He watched with eyes of love
Or just another lesson taught?

Why did I do it?

1 comment:

Dand Rau said...

Why did you do it? :-) I have a sneakng suspicion yo wanted to cause a little trouble.
Rill is your long-time friend and hopes he stays that way.